C&ESAR Conferences Fr

Legal Notice

The website https://www.cesar-conference.org serves as the general communication vector for the C&ESAR conference series. This conference is organized by DGA Maîtrise de l'Information as part of the European Cyber ​​​​Week.

Editorial information

The website https://www.cesar-conference.org is published by DGA Maîtrise de l’Information (DGA MI).

DGA Maîtrise de l’Information
BP7 35998 Rennes CEDEX 9
: dga-miintradef.gouv.fr

The director of publication of https://www.cesar-conference.org is: Lionel MORIN, director of DGA MI.

The editorial design, monitoring, technical maintenance and updates of the website are provided by the editorial manager: Gurvan LE GUERNIC.


The website https://www.cesar-conference.org is hosted by OVH.

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix


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Intellectual Property

Content protection

Files associated with papers presented at the C&ESAR conferences (papers, presentation materials and recordings) are covered by specific licenses. These licenses are mentioned in the files themselves or on the pages presenting these files. Otherwise, these files are covered by the same licenses as the rest of the website https://www.cesar-conference.org.

Unless otherwise stated, the illustrations and photographs contained in the website https://www.cesar-conference.org cannot be redistributed or reused for any purpose whatsoever. The C&ESAR organizing committee only has a right of use within the framework of the C&ESAR conference.

Unless otherwise stated, this websites's content not mentioned above is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Authorization request

Unless covered by their respective licenses, requests for authorization to reproduce or represent content of this website must be sent prior to reproduction or representation: to the C&ESAR organizing committee, through one of the contact methods provided on the contact page; or to the publisher of the website https://www.cesar-conference.org, through the contact information provided in the legal notice page.

The request must specify the targeted content as well as the intended context of use (media concerned, period, recipients, etc.).